Application for EPR French Environmental Unique Identification Number (UIN)

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is the European Union’s environmental protection strategy, which controls manufacturers throughout the product’s life cycle and mitigates the harmful impact of packaging on the natural environment.
If you are a producer of a product within the meaning of the EPR regulation, you have to apply for an EPR environmental registration number in France. If you are not a manufacturer but a seller of EPR-regulated items, you must obtain the appropriate EPR number from your upstream supplier. If you are not a manufacturer and are unable to receive an eligible EPR registration number from your upstream supplier, you must register a Unique Identification Number (UIN) before selling your products.
The Unique Identification Number (UIN) is the French version of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) number. The UIN (Unique Identification Number) will be implemented in France in January 2022 and will be made available to all registered producers of waste streams including WEEE, batteries, packaging, textiles, furniture, tires, and paper.
As a local service provider in France, EFAC has developed cooperative relationships with relevant French environmental protection organizations and gathered adequate data to provide you in applying for a UIN environmental protection identification number with all-round support in France.

Declaration of EPR French environmental protection tax

The French classification framework of EPR environmental protection is the most complicated, covering a wide range of products, including electrical devices, batteries, accumulators, and packaging. Simultaneously, it has meticulously planned the classification, recycling, and disposal of products covered by EPR. You must apply for different types of items that you sell in France and pay environmental protection fees in accordance with EPR standards.

EFAC will assist cooperating clients in meeting their reporting responsibilities as follows:

  • Assist each producer in completing the registration process with the applicable regulatory authority.
  • Assume responsibility for all monthly, quarterly, and annual reporting responsibilities (quantity reporting) based on information provided by the producer.
  • Monitor reporting deadlines for all mandate categories
  • Help answer any questions raised regarding the EPR law-compliances (eg hard cases, brand registrations, registration failures, number lapses, etc.)
  • Ensure affordable environmental rates by discussing agreements with approved environmental institutions on a regular basis.